Airport Assess

How to transport from Hong Kong Airport to Downtown?

There are mainly 3 ways to transport from Hong Kong Airport to different places in Hong Kong.

  1. Taxis
  2. Airport Express
  3. Public Bus

There are different pros and cons for different transportation as follow.


Taxis are most convenience way to transport in Hong Kong since it provides point to point service which can bring you to almost anywhere in Hong Kong. Imagine that you are finding your location of hotel meanwhile picking up your heavy luggages. Taxi can make you easier for getting you from airport to hotel.
However, it is most expensive choice. Depend on your destination, it’s about $250 – $350 HKD for one way fare. Also, sometimes, you may encounter some bad driver so call “black taxi”( 黑的). They will use different way to cheat you money such as bad driving, long route and overcharging.
-> Different fare from airport to downtown according to the location.
-> different colour fo taxi
->where is the taxi station in airport.
->time used in transport
-> only can pay cash
-> must use metre for counting money
-> 4-5 pressangers for a taxi

Airport Express

Airport Express are also convenience way to you for going to downtown of Hong Kong.
need to buy ticket in the lobby of airport station.
just have 3 stations in downtown (Hong Kong Station, Kowloon Station and Tsing Yi Station)
need to change MTR to the destination